Being Anonymous by "nu11_()_v0!d"
This tutorial has been written for the Wraith and is NOT for public distribution.
All information in this tutorial is for educational purposes only. Any illegal activity relating to this tutorial is not my responsibility, although I would like to say I don't care how you use it, I do. So please do not use this for Black-hat activities. One day when you grow up you might realize that you have been a skid, by using mass-deface techniques and SQL-i for your entire life. Do not just hack a site because it is there.
** Hide like a True Hacker !!
i- Protection
ii- Encryption
iii- How To Be Anonymous [Hiding Urself From Networks :)]
** Protection
Basically what I am trying to say in this section is, before you go out hacking other people and other things, just check for a second and make sure it's not as easy to hack your device. There are some pretty simple steps for this though.
Make sure all your security updates are installed, if you have windows firewall disable it.
Download your own firewall. If you are behind a router you can skip this.
Make sure all unused ports are closed.
Check your msconfig, run a few HJT logs and Malwarebyte's to make sure you are not already infected.
Use a keyscambler to prevent keyloggers
It is important that you are not infected because other could see you hacking and steal it from you or alternatively, if they get caught, you get caught. On the other hand you might want to stay infected by a bot or RAT so if and when you are caught you can claim you had know knowledge and the bot controlled your PC and performed the hack without your knowledge. However I am not someone who intends to be caught. (I'm not really a black hat either)
I don't personally use an AV for many reasons reasons:
It is possible to make an FUD virus, this is likely to be what you get infected with.
It often goes around deleting your stuff without asking.
They slow down your PC and often hog the CPU.
Whilst performing updates it slows down your connection.
FireWall: (not tested)
Another way to prevent this is to use a Linux-based O/S as although these aren't 100% secure they have a lot on Windows machines due to the fact they are less common. But being a hacker LINUX IS GOD !!
But remember you are not invisible:
If you downloaded and installed the open-source Unreal IRC server in the last8 months or so, you’ve been pawned.
"Hi all,
This is very embarrassing…
We found out that the Unreal3.2.8.1.tar.gz file on our mirrors has been replaced quite a while ago with a version with a backdoor (Trojan) in it.
This backdoor allows a person to execute ANY command with the privileges of the user running the ircd. The backdoor can be executed regardless of any user restrictions (so even if you have passworded server or hub that doesn’t allow any users in)."
** Encryption
Be under no illusions, this is one of the most important steps to keeping information secret. Now I am a big fan of encryption and here is why:
"if your encryption program uses 128-bit keys, your particular key could be any of more than 3.4 trillion billion billion billion possible combinations. More likely to win the lottery than to crack that level of encryption using the brute-force method"Or just use RSA 4096-bit and256-bit AES?
Now I think this says a little bit about how much safer encryption makes you, if you encrypt your HDD using 256-bit, there is little chance even the authorities will crack it.... in your lifetime. However do be aware of local law for example in the UK the new Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act states:
Individuals who are believed to have the cryptographic keys necessary for such decryption will face up to 5 years in prison for failing to comply with police or military orders to hand over either the cryptographic keys,or the data in a decrypted form.
The penelties are up to 5 years for terrorism-related information and 2 years for "All other failures to comply"
Therefore depending on the strength of your offense it could be more wise to with-hold your key on claims of a privacy breach, and face the maximum two years than to hand over your keys.
The program I most recommend for doing this is
True crypt can provide 256-bit encryption
The design and strength of all key lengths of the AES algorithm (i.e.,128,192and256) are sufficient to protect classified information up to the SECRET level. TOP SECRET information will require use of either the 192or256 key lengths.
Oh and that's not even the most useful part:
TrueCrypt allows you to create a hidden operating system whose existence will be impossible to prove (provided that certain guidelines are followed — see below). Thus, you will not have to decrypt or reveal the password for the hidden operating system.
As there is a pre-boot authentication process which asks for your encryption password you can have two, one for people to see and one for hacking purposes. This is IMPOSSIBLE to prove so I highly recommend using it, although I don't use it myself...
** How To Be Anonymous !!
[ Hiding urself !!! ]
I'll show you how to be anonymous !
All you actions will be 100%
The Video Link:
<<<>>>What Is needed ?
a. putty ( )
b. Proxifier ( you can download it here : )
c. Shell account -free or hacked- ( )
d. A Brain .......:D
First ----- register a free shell account ! in...
Download and install the Proxifier !
First... need to do is SSH Tunneling....
1.Download putty install and start.
2. Now input your host name :
Go to -->"SSH",
then select ----> "tunnels",
then tick the ----> "dynamic" radio button,..(though you can put any source port number on the box as per your requirement ) and
click ----->"add" Now go to ----->"Session" and then put a session name at "Saved Session" -- then click-->"Save"
Done ...
3. Now open (Double click on the saved session)The Putty login screen will appear....Then -------------------------
Login: username (the username of that you have registered earlier)Password: Put the password (you have given when it is registered or follow ur email)
open ---------> Proxifiergo to -----> Options -----> Proxy Settings [ Here 'Remove' the existing one...Then click "ADD" ] [ Proxy server (Pop up) : server: Port: 2121 Protocol: SOCKS version5]
6. Restart Your MSN, SKY PEE etc.... all will run through it..
6. Now browse with (Tor)
7. Vertually chenge your mac address with TMAC.